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Policies and procedures

The following links provide information on internal control practices related to various business areas. Consider the information provided in these links and build appropriate internal controls into your operations.

ASU policies and procedures


The Create Program Request task is now available for new program requests. Training can be found in Career Edge under "Career Edge FMS-Program Request - Learn Independent" and "FMS User Group Recording." You can also access the Create Program Request work instructions. If you have any questions, contact your Financial Services accountant.

A reminder: Everyone can enter the request task without needing a new role. Please do not request the 'Department Worktag Manager role' for approving new program requests. The Dean's office financial staff will handle approvals for our divisions with Carrie Montana as backup. Financial Services will deny role requests. New gift account requests are not part of this process and will continue as usual.

The College routing and approvals

The College policies and procedures