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Purchasing and P-Cards

Review common questions and topics regarding Purchasing and P-Cards.

The College Dean's Office

How do I place an order?

For all non-food purchase requests, please completely fill out and sign the The College Purchase / Reimbursement Request Form (The College PO) and submit to Laurie Perko in The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Business Office,

The College PO may be downloaded via the following link:

Food purchases must use an Arizona State University Business Meals form and not The College PO. The ASU Business Meals form can be found on the ASU Financial Services Forms website.

Only one form is necessary: The College PO or ASU Business Meals Form.

New suppliers

If you are using a new supplier that is not currently in our system, please supply us with the following information: supplier name, contact name, email, phone number, new supplier justification. The supplier will be contacted by ASU Purchasing to complete a new supplier registration online.

General office supplies and copier/printer paper are considered regular operating expenses and will continue to be ordered through the Dean’s Office front desk.

For business card orders, please go to the Forms and Links page and select The College Business Card Form.

Letterhead requests can be emailed to

General information for The College


ASU is introducing a new Supplier Registration application, expected to launch in January or February 2024. This training course will teach departments the advantages of the new application and how to register a new supplier. Training will be held via Zoom. Registration for upcoming sessions are on CareerEdge.  

Supplier set-up in Workday (FMS)

Suppliers must be set up in the Financial Management System to receive purchase orders and payments. Prior to conducting business with a supplier, verify whether the supplier exists in Workday.

There are two ways for suppliers to register:

  1. Companies register through a secure portal by responding to the questions and attaching requested documents, such as W9's.
  2. Individuals register by completing a one-page form that is accessed through Adobe Sign.

If a supplier needs to be set up, the department may initiate the supplier registration process. Visit Procurement Guide under Quick Guides for more information on new supplier set-up.

Email Supplier Admin for expedited registration or status related questions.

For purchase related questions, email Procurement.

Independent Contractors

Every year, ASU engages Independent Contractors for a variety of purposes. When that contractor is an individual or operating as a single-member LLC, Tax Services provides guidance on the IRS rules and considerations to consider when determining if Independent Contractor treatment is appropriate. To comply with U.S. tax and labor laws, the ASU community must follow certain procedures. For this reason, Tax Services should be approving Independent Contractor treatment before an individual begins their work. If you have questions, contact your Human Resources partner or Tax Services.

For more information and specifics on determination considerations, employment situations, determination process and additional resources, please visit the Independent Contractor Information page as well as FIN 421-01.

Once a department believes that their situation should be reviewed for approval as an independent contractor relationship, they would complete the Independent contractor determination checklist (ICC). This should occur prior to any work being completed.

ASU also recognizes that there are some situations that this approval should be automatic. Exceptions to the determination checklist (ICC) requirement include:

  • Athletic officials.

  • Board members.

  • Corporations, partnerships, or other business entities not operating as a single-member LLC.

  • Expense reimbursement only — no income or honorarium payment is included.

  • Guest lecturers and speakers visiting for fewer than two weeks.

  • Individuals performing external peer review consulting services as part of departmental or program accreditation or performance monitoring.

  • Payments to a service provider that will not exceed $600 across the university in a single calendar year.

  • Performers giving a limited number of performances, including DJs, artists and performers.

  • Photographers and short-term, project-based videographers.

  • Service providers for construction or tenant improvement.

  • Service providers for tangible goods or equipment rentals.

  • Standardized patients.

  • Writers, if the payment is for an article published in an ASU publication or website.

Once the determination that the ICC is required, the department would initiate the form. This form will automatically route based on the email addresses provided. The form is in Adobe Sign and will route to tax services after the supplier signs. The department will need to have the independent contractor register in the system as a supplier, if not already registered. Once the ICC form is approved by tax services and the supplier is registered in the system the department can create the REQ for services and attach the completed ICC form. 

Foreign Independent Contractors Per FIN 425-04: Nonresident Alien Independent Contractors and Other Foreign Entities, the IRS requires that all payments to Foreign IC’s are in accordance with IRS regulations. In addition to collecting the ICC form and any other pertinent information from the Foreign IC (ICC, Supplier Registration, invoices, etc.) the individual will also need to complete the Foreign Data Collection Form to be attached to the payment transaction in Workday.

Please find more information for general purchasing guidelines below:

ASU Procurement Guide

Purchases not requiring a purchase order

Speaker Artist Performer Agreements


New P-Card verification process as of August 1st, 2023

The P-Card office will implement the following controls starting 8/1/23 to strengthen P-Card spending and compliance oversight.

The P-Card office will monitor past-due P-Card verifications and send notice to both cardholders and P-Card managers at these intervals:

  1. Verifications 90 days past due.
  2. Approximately two weeks later if the past-due verifications remain unresolved.
  3. Suspend P-Cards with verifications 120 days past due.

Note: Any P-Cards suspended for overdue verifications will not be reinstated until verifications are completed. 

Users with Department Data Entry Specialist -P-Card role can identify and resolve overdue P-Card verifications via the Pending P-Card Transactions 30+Days report in Workday. Please email the P-Card office with questions or concerns. (See policy reference PUR 201-01.)

Dean-level approvals

The following P-Card related reviews and requests will require dean-level review and/or approval:

  • P-Card verifications where the cardholder is the chair/director must be reviewed by your college dean business operations manager (BOM). As the chair/director is the supervisor of staff in the unit, it is recommended that someone under the cardholder's supervision is not the third-party reviewer. Your BOM will review, sign as third-party reviewer and then return to the unit. This should be done within 10 days of receiving the statement.
  • P-Card verifications where the cardholder is the P-Card manager, and their supervisor is the chair/director, must be reviewed by your college dean BOM. The primary responsibilities of the chair/director often do not include in-depth knowledge of financial policies and procedures; therefore, it is recommended that someone who has full knowledge of financial policies is the third-party reviewer. Your BOM will review, sign as third-party reviewer and then return to the unit. This should be done within 10 days of receiving the statement.
  • Establishing a P-Card manager for the unit requires dean-level review and approval. Please submit all P-Card manager agreement forms to your college dean BOM for review and approval. Due to P-Card manager responsibilities including an in-depth knowledge of financial policies and procedures, it is not recommended that chairs/directors serve as a P-Card manager. If your unit is small, with only one financial staff member and they are the primary cardholder, your college dean BOM can be listed as your P-Card manager.

P-Card Work Instructions

Please find work instructions for Pcard verifications below: