Business, financial and human resources support
The College’s Dean’s office is here to support you in both your financial services and human resources needs.
We are responsible for all aspects of financial management at the college level including:
- Budget development and salary planning activities.
- Coordination of university budget and payroll exercises.
- Review and approval of various financial and salary actions as dictated by college, university and foundation policies.
- Unit budget oversight.
- Dissemination of information in a timely manner.
We also support the Dean’s Office day-to-day financial and payroll operations.
Separately, the Dean’s Office can serve as a resource for your human resources needs in areas of employee relations, training, coaching, professional development and more.
This website is intended to provide you with the information needed to support you in these areas. We welcome your feedback. Please forward comments and suggestions to any team member.
Quick links
Upcoming Events
Visit the Workday pre-launch schedule webpage to see critical dates for when employees, HR teams and others must complete work in current systems. Please complete all required actions based on your role and system access so data and information are accurate when Workday goes live.
Please note two upcoming dates that affect all employees:
12/13/24 - Last day for hourly employees to submit all time worked and time they plan to work through 12/22/24. They must also submit all time off through 1/5/25. Last day for salaried employees to submit all time off through 1/5/25.
12/17/24 - Last day for managers to approve all employee time worked and time off.
Workday launches Dec. 23, 2024. Visit the ASU Workday webpage for more information
Financial wellness and retirement planning
Whether you are just entering the workforce or ready to exit, join this workshop on Wednesday, Oct. 23, to learn insights for financial wellness and retirement planning at every stage in life.
Register now
Take the 2024 TRP Survey
ASU Parking and Transportation Services requests employees complete the short Maricopa County Travel Reduction Program survey by Thursday, Oct. 31. The survey gathers commuting patterns data to plan for better public transportation and reduce carbon emissions.
Take the survey